Tuesday, March 1, 2011

between the cries

You'd think that not working and being at home all day just tending to a baby would leave plenty of time to update a dinky little blog.  But from where I sit I see a pile of clean laundry to fold, dirty burp cloths thrown on the floor, spit-up covered baby jackets decorating the coffee table, and some lonely nail polish that was no doubt intended to be put to good use before it was interrupted by a hungry baby's cry.

How in the world can a 24 hour time period be consumed by nothing more than focusing on the needs of a 15 day old child?!  I remember when I was driving 45 minutes one way to school, taking 18 credit hours, while simultaneously working 40 hours a week and planning a wedding.  And now an infant keeps me from getting the dishes washed?

I'm not complaining.  I am enjoying letting the housework sit.  I've been told by more people than I can count to enjoy Roscoe while he's this little.  So I don't feel guilty that our house looks like a war zone in less than an hour after Mark cleans it up.

I guess I'm just trying to let you in on why I haven't had time to pick up the laptop to update you all on my life.  Because usually I'm too busy holding and feeding a very hungry baby boy, or soothing his cries, or trying to get him to burp out his little gas bubbles, or just holding and staring at him because he's infinitely more intriguing and entertaining than any form of technology.

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