Thursday, March 31, 2011

those thoughts on community

Every Sunday night as I sit around a firepit with friends I get this overwhelming feeling that I need to blog on the importance of community and what it means to me personally.  But now I've let too many days go by and those warm, fuzzy feelings are more difficult to put into words.  Actually, my lack of words is probably due to the fact that I've had another one of those battle days with Roscoe.  He has slept for 35 minutes today.  That was one nap.  The rest was spent either eating, playing, or (the majority of it) crying.  Exhausting. 

Anyway, I'm not posting to complain, so here's a quote that is referenced every now and then at church.  It's the quote that pretty much sums up how I came to break down the walls to my heart and realize the importance of transparency with others.

"We are not hurt alone, and we will not heal alone.  Yes, God is individually transforming our hearts, but not in isolation.  We are like stones that are part of a wall (1 Peter 2:5), organs that are part of a body (1 Corinthians 12:12), or members who are part of a family  (Romans 8:15-17).  Our sin contaminates others, and our change helps to heal others.  We need the humility that is fostered in group transparency in order to receive the energy (grace- James 4:6) to continue changing.  Even the person who seems to have it all together needs the trouble of those who don't, so he is not living his life in a self-absorbed delusion.  As someone has said, the disturbed need the comfortable, and the comfortable need the disturbed."

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