Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I have so much to say...

.....including a birth story to finish writing. I need to hurry on that because all the little details are starting to leave me.

But my days are spent guiltlessly holding Everett. I can't seem to see the importance of getting to the computer to type up a post (this I'm typing from my phone. Not a birth story though. Too long for that!)

I remember the fear of "spoiling" my first because of too much love and attention (holding him too much, according to popular opinion). Worried what other people thought. Concerned over whether my parenting style would be accepted or critiqued.

At the moment, I couldn't care less what people thought. So far this time around, relying on reading my baby and following his cues has left me feeling better rested and confident.

"You can't spoil a baby with love" is something a family friend told me when I was waffling over whether or not to hold a crying Roscoe who wasn't settling in to the schedule I wanted him on.

And I'm not on a schedule. So I figure that's why I won't pressure my infants into one either. Eating, playing, sleeping... We're figuring it out together one day at a time. And it's much less stressful for me right now than it was 2 years ago.