Wednesday, January 4, 2012

something's always gonna crash...

...RIGHT before Mark leaves for drill or an extended trip.  It's clockwork.  Usually 2-3 hours before he leaves, never more than 12 hours before.  This time it's the 4runner.  The brake lights weren't working at all last night, so he decided to replace fuses and troubleshoot this morning (for mine and Roscoe's safety).  Upon doing so, the headlights blew a fuse.  Now the headlights work for 5 minutes every time a fuse is replaced, then they quit.

I hate the way things happen like this.  Not because it's an inconvenience for me as much as it is the fact that it just sucks for Mark.  Here he is trying to get away in a peaceful and fluid manner, and then stuff breaks/quits working/rebels/acts out/spits in his face.  Roscoe and I are fine.  We've got family and friends who live close enough to help us while he's gone.  So if you are in that range of family and friends, look for phone calls post 5 pm from today until Sunday. :)  But I understand from Mark's perspective that it's difficult to leave your wife and child with unfavorable circumstances.

Don't worry about it babe, we'll be fine.

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