Tuesday, January 17, 2012

it seems way too early

...for all the political debating going on.  I know it's not.  It's actually right on time.  In fact I'm surprised it took until the beginning of the year for it to get going; I was honestly expecting it to be rearing its head around October/November of last year.

Anyway, I don't speak much about politics.  So it feels weird to be even making this post.  But already, I've been noticing a lot of "well don't vote for this guy because if you do, in reality you're casting your vote for this other guy."  No.  Stop with that.  This is such pet peeve of mine.  Part of me can understand one's mentality on the "big day" to vote for the "lesser of 2 evils."  But in January?!  Please!  If you live in America, you have the right to vote.  So vote for who you want to vote for.  That's why it's called voting.  Think of what an impact it would make if everyone voted for who they wanted to win.  Maybe then, all those people combined would make a difference and one of the "he doesn't have a chance" guys would actually be voted in.

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