Tuesday, December 20, 2011

on the move--nothing is safe

As I write this, I'm watching Roscoe crawl all over the room/house.  It's absolutely insane how time can pass so quickly when you're not paying close attention to it.  It really doesn't feel like that long ago that I could put him in the swing while I tried to get stuff done.  Now, if I'm working hard at household duties wasting time on the internet, I must be sure to keep an eye and ear out for where the little man is.  Because his current 2 most favorite things to do are crawl into the kitchen to chew on the edge of Sherman's food dish (eww!), or into the office to splash in the dogs' water dish (double eww!).

The "King" there looks deceiving.  No, we don't prefer to put our son in onesies and such that say "I call the shots" or "boss" or anything along the lines of "even though I'm a baby I rule everything in this house."  (I hate those outfits)  But "king of cuddles" with a cute little crown-wearing frog prince?  Bring it.

(His hands have always been big.  But here they look massive.)  He loves chewing on everything.  E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  It's kinda cute right now, though, because he's just got those 2 bottom teeth, so he doesn't cause damage to anything.  No teeth marks...yet.  You just hear "thud, thud, thud" or "clank, clank, clank" or "ding, ding, ding" depending on what he's chewing.

I'd love to know what he's thinking as he crawls around the house.  Hearing him say "ah!" "aaa!" in various tones and levels of excitement always makes me smile.  I can't NOT smile.  But it's got me on a new level of alertness.  I knew this day would come--the day where I couldn't just set him down and go about what I was doing.  If he doesn't like where I put him, he fixes it (which can be nice, but can be terrible).  So now I'm learning to find my balance of efficiency and responsibility.

I'm just wondering, though--how did our little bitty baby transition so quickly into this "becoming a toddler" phase?

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