Monday, March 26, 2012

for the love of reading

I don't just read a book.  I become a character in the book.  So as I journey through the pages, I'm feeling what the characters feel, thinking what they think, experiencing what they experience. 

There's just something about them that affect me deeply.  To be honest, I sometimes have a difficult time coping with reality in the hours/ days after finishing a good read.

And I didn't use to enjoy it this much.  In the past reading was a chore, an obligation, nothing to be enjoyed.  But since finishing college and realizing the world of literature right at our fingertips, I've been diving deeper and deeper into the joys of reading.  Where in the past I would make myself sit and read 20 pages, now I find myself breezing through 100 pages in 1 sitting.

It's the weirdest of feelings to be sad over finishing one story and having to "say goodbye" to the characters, only to simultaneously be excited over starting a new book.

Does anyone else feel the same way about reading?

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