Monday, July 11, 2011

hacked and busy

After 2 weeks of frustration with a hacked email account, I finally discovered that the hackee had set my account up to automatically delete emails from my inbox and forward them to another address.  So it appeared that my inbox was sitting there, lifeless.  Hopefully it's fixed now.  I don't see what the point is of doing that to someone.  And I would keep going on specific things that are going on in my head about it, but to be honest, I'm kinda freaked out.  The forwarding email address was off from mine by 1 letter.  So I kinda feel..... watched, copied....

Things have been busy for me lately.  Mark and I have been doing a lot of gardening and yardwork.  Primarily Mark, when he's home.  He can spend hours outside every day.  I just help out here and there when I'm not busy with the boy.  So when Mark's out of town and I have to pick up his responsibilities to keep the garden booming and the flowers alive, life quickly becomes exhausting.  Typically, the laundry takes about a week to get folded, dishes sit in the sink for days on end, the dogs stay outside the majority of the day, my blog gets lonely, and the weekly housecleaning is postponed.

Mark's parent's typically step in and take the dogs from me, which is nice on multiple levels.  I feel sorry for the dogs because I just don't have the energy or desire to pay attention to them and give them the love they need when Mark's not around.  When he is home, he generally takes care of them so that my priorities can go something like
1) keep Roscoe alive
2) make sure food makes it to the table
3) laundry
4) cleaning
Those are just 4 simple things that go under a general category of mine titled "Make home a happy place for Mark."

So when Mark is gone, said category doesn't really exist anymore.  (Sidenote: when he's home, the weeds are pretty well behaved.  But when he's gone, they're like "WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! PARTAAAAY!!!!!!!)  So my new priority list ends up looking something like
1) keep Roscoe alive
2) keep the garden alive so that I can
3) eat something (probably while I'm in the garden tending) (oh, and so that "Make home a happy place for Mark" priority #2 can still happen when he comes home)
4) dogs?  we have dogs?
5) laundr--- oops, Roscoe needs to eat again
6) keep the garden alive
7) lau--Roscoe just woke up
8) oh hey, I should sleep some...

Yeah, I go from organized, super-wifey to a fumbling mess.  But hey, Roscoe's happy, I'm eating, the garden's alive, and the dogs are being picked up by grampa tomorrow.

I had a video from my phone of Roscoe to put up, but I'm encountering problems with uploading it.  It's not in the right format and I can only go so far in trying to figure it out.  I'll post it as soon as I can

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