Wednesday, July 13, 2011

can it really be 5 months?

It's hard to believe this post is about the little guy being 5 months old today.  2 months?  I could believe that.... But 5?!

So what's Roscoe up to at 5 months? 
-He's a mover.  Almost non stop motion.  High metabolism like his dad?  Most likely.  Consequently, he's a long a lean dude.
-He takes *maybe* 2 good naps a day in his crib.  If we're lucky.  If not, he takes multiple 20-30 minute catnaps.
-He loves sucking his finger and thumb together.  He uses his thumb to push his finger up a little and sucks both of those simultaneously, eliminating our need for pacifiers (thanks, bub!)
-He eats still exclusively breast milk.  He's not showing any desire for anything else and I see no need to force it on him just because of his age.  That time will come, and we're both enjoying nursing (not to mention the fact that it's so incredibly good for him).
-He loves, loves, loves his daddy!  Mark will often get double the smiles and giggles and squeals that I do from Roscoe.  I love watching the 2 of them together.
-He can now roll over, all the way around.  Yesterday he started out lying on his back and ended up on his tummy and back to his back again, all on his own (as much as I wanted to assist the process to make it go faster, I kept my hands off him and let him figure it out all his own--waaay easier said than done for me).
-He reaches and grabs for anything within reach.
-He sleeps great at night, except for the occasional growth spurt that requires an extra nighttime feeding.
-He still sleeps in a cradle at the end of our bed (at night).  He's quickly outgrowing it.  I'm not looking forward to moving him out.  There may be a few tears shed over that one from this mama.
-He rocks the cloth diapers (way to be green, son!) (oh, just to keep anyone from assuming we have no choice in the matter, we love cloth diapering.  Seriously.  I hate when it isn't convenient and we use disposables.)

I've got a ton of catch-up to do with pictures.  Here goes

sherman is great with roscoe

so sweet.  i love watching him sleep

grampa and roscoe

I hate that the next 2 pictures are blurry, but I had brought the camera out of the air conditioning to the hot, humid lake and the lens got foggy.  I did the best I could with them.

Really, mom?

oh, this isn't so bad after all

Roscoe had a diaper blow out right before this, messing up the onesie

father's day, a birthday, and a baby dedication

RAWR!!! I'm monster baby, and I'm gonna eat eeyore

he had just rolled over and was quite proud of himself

oh my, i love this boy, drool and all.... happy 5 months, little love

1 comment:

  1. wow, i can't believe its been five months, either. seems like just yesterday you were totin' him around at starbucks everyday! is it just me or is he tall for five months?? He is adorable.
