Tuesday, February 1, 2011


One of the cool things about the baby shower this past Saturday was the table decorations.  They were multi-functional.  (I LOVE multi-functional things)

Not only were they beautiful, but they had blank pieces of paper pinned to the branches for the purpose of writing down little pieces of advice to me.

So I'm going to share some of my favorite pieces of advice from family and friends:

-- Remember that the days may be long, but the years are short!  Follow your instincts-you know your baby!  No matter what "the books" say

-- Remember that you had Mark first and make time for him.  Roscoe will be fine if his parents stay in love!

-- Date night, date night, date night

-- My biggest advice ~ Enjoy Roscoe!  Never feel guilty about "just" watching him sleep or "just" lying on the couch with him.  Everything else will wait.  The simple, everyday moments with Roscoe are in no way common, but moments of wonder that you'll treasure always

--  Be REAL-let him know that you are human, and make mistakes, but that God forgives.

-- Eventually, reverse psychology won't work

-- Read to Roscoe.  Talk to him, telling him about everything!  Even when he is tiny.  Sing to him, hold him, pray with him, even when he is a newborn.

-- All toys come in pairs- One for Roscoe, one for Mark.

-- Never criticize how your husband takes care of Roscoe.  He will be so much more willing to help you if you are accepting of how he does things, even if it is not how you do them.


  1. All of those are GREAT advice! I would've said exactly the same things :)

  2. I love your musings Bean! I totally agree with all that advise! Specially the date night one Jake and I are still working on that.

  3. That last one about not criticizing when Mark helps is soooo good. I wish I'd said it!

  4. This is a post from one of my fav bloggers. It helped me realized the time in NICU with ethan and the trying times we had those first few weeks and other times since then that I have an option to find joy of be upset in the situation, and I may as well be joyful even though its 2:30 am lol Hug and kiss that sweet baby boy like theres no tomorrow! Were so happy for you all!
    Brandy Brooks


  5. Chris, the date night came from Beth :)

    And the advice about not criticizing the way Mark handles Roscoe came from Erin. That one hit me hardest, because it's totally something I would do. That will be a daily reminder and battle for me.
