Monday, May 2, 2011

going out on a limb here...

....on vaccinations.  Just writing that word is making me cringe at the potential comments I will get from readers.  What?  I'm questioning the use of vaccinations in babies?  Yes.  This has nothing to do with any one thing in particular that I've heard, so before being attacked or accused of not looking into it or swallowing false information, let me assure you that I've poured approximately 10 hours of research into this topic before even thinking about blogging on it.  Also, let me say that plenty more research has to be done on our part before coming to a final decision on the matter.

I probably wouldn't be posting about this if it weren't for a couple paragraphs I came across in an article just now.  But it sums up so beautifully how I feel in general about the debate.  The cool part?  This guy doesn't take sides....  He presents this as an alternative to parents who feel they don't want to immunize their children (he's speaking about homeopathic immunizations, not conventional).

"Start vaccinations later in life. The immune system is maturing very quickly over the first months of life. Possible damage from vaccines will therefore decrease if the application is postponed. Even postponing vaccines so that they are taken only after the age of 6 months can be of benefit"

At the end of the day it is a parents right to choose what they feel is the best choice for their child. It is also a parents right to know what choices are available to them. The governments and the pharmaceutical industries do not own our children, we do. They have no right to turn our children into profit making machines for them to prosper from. Each child is very precious, they have the right to grow up healthy and reach their full potential. It is a parents duty to protect them and to study all the choices available to them. A parent can only do this if they are aware that they do have choices in the first place. What is right for one child is not right for another. I urge all parents to educate themselves in vaccination safety, learn the pros and cons of all the options available before making a decision."

I could give a list of websites that I've gone to during this researching, or you could do it on your own.  I'd be happy to share a list (if I can find all of them) to anyone curious enough ask.  Just do yourself a favor if you're going to look it up on your own, make sure you see both sides of the argument.  It isn't researching if you're only looking for articles that support your already-set-in-stone viewpoint.

Since I quoted from it, here is the website referred to previously:

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