Sunday, May 15, 2011

excerpt from Roscoe's journal

I may not be a big scrapbooker, and I may not be the craftiest person around, but I do love to journal in various forms.  Throughout my life I've kept personal journals, a shared journal (with Mark when we were dating/engaged), prayer journals, this online journal...

So when it comes to something important and special for my children, instead of trying to force myself into some mold that I don't fit into (scrapbooking, for example), I've decided that I can give them the gift of a journal.  Ask me occasionally if I'm keeping up with the journaling.  If I'm not, give me a good kick in the pants for it.  If all goes like planned, I'll have Roscoe's journal filled with stories and encouragement and records of his life by the time he's an adult, at which time (whatever that occasion may be), I'll give the journal to him.

Here's an excerpt from the most recent:

"You are 3 months (and 2 days) old!  Time flies!  You still turn people's heads when we're in public because you're so tiny, but I feel like so much has changed.  During your first month of life, you slept in our bed with us.  That was such a precious period of time, when at a moment's notice you could be cuddled to sleep.  Now it's not so easy.  So much distracts you when you're trying to go to sleep.  I'm so glad I savored every bit of your tiny-ness.....

.....To say "I love being a mom" isn't really saying much yet.  I mean, you're only 3 months old, and you're my only child.  I have yet to see what true communication is with you.  Sure, you let me know when you're hungry and I let you know that I love you and am here to take care of you; but I have yet to see what motherhood entails beyond feeding you, changing you, and getting you to sleep.  This journey excites me.  Who are you, Roscoe? I'm eager to get to know you, to see your personality unfold, to laugh at you, to cry because of you.  Just please.....don't grow up too fast!

I love you, son."


  1. what a great idea! so sweet. he is really going to thank you one day!

  2. that is so sweet! i know those feelings well. i love the new baby stage and even more the stage where they start gabbing and then using real words to talk!

  3. This is beautiful Bean!
