Tuesday, May 29, 2012

He is always this non-stop

...but not always this fast.

Thanks for another video of my little wind-up toy, Mom!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

the technical (but not official) first haircut

For a few weeks now, we've been having to constantly brush the hair out of Roscoe's eyes, because he doesn't quite have the knack of doing it himself.  But we love it so much that we don't want to cut it all off yet.

So tonight I got up the nerve to do it.  I don't know how I succeeded, considering that Roscoe never stops moving when he's awake.  But it's done.  Hair trimmed, eyes clear of obstruction.  Remainder of the locks fully in tact.

So technically?  Yes, he's had a hair cut (like, 80 of them) (ok more than that).  But is this as big a deal as the oh my goodness you look like a kid now not a baby haircut?  No.

Good grief.... Even that little half an inch makes all the difference. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In case you need to smile...

This video brought to you by my mother, who once again got creative with a fun video she took while babysitting.

This is what happens when you put a full plate of spaghetti vermicelli noodles in front of Roscoe.  Thanks, mom!  Cracks me up.